Thursday, June 14, 2007

Super Crash

My friend very very lucky car crash.
That red junk is my friend super 4g13 iswara
Here the story,my friend drive on kl high way.A perdana came to he side and show him some finger,and then start to get that perdana about 190km/h more and then finaly past that perdana.but that perdana is a dump driver.He crash the red car and try to get away from side.That red car lose contro and hit to right side divider and roll to left hand side of the road.when that perdana try to get away.But the red car bang up the perdana bonnet and roll on it.Strange,my friend just get a litle scrash on leg without any serious problem.

Here some Picture
The super 4G13 iswara

wowwww nice mod

Where the bonnet go......

Here th dump perdana.

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